Thursday, June 6, 2013

Have Fun & Just Breathe!

My throat hurts. I've stayed up too late. My mind has just been racing with all of the information being thrown at us during training. It’s not a bad thing it’s just a lot of information.

We did some cool presentations today that we collaborated in groups to create. Towards the end of the day the recreation of the information we were presenting really hit home exuding fun and creativity from all groups.

Fun being one of the words that we put inside (the good part) of the circle when we were creating our rules/what belongs and does not belong in the space of this week of training. Remembering to have FUN and BREATHE are always great principles to be reminded of.

Especially when we can get so caught up in the busyness of our lives and how SIGNIFICANT we make every little thing. Sometimes you just gotta laugh and blurt out, “I hope I don’t get diarrhea everyday in Africa!” No one can ever take themselves too seriously when squirt concerns are voiced.

We did these some amazing team - building games through this sort of obstacle course in the woods today.

We had to lift a gold ring off a giant’s thumb (a tire off of a wooden pole) and make sure not to touch any part to his finger or else he’d wake up, DUH!

We had to escape through and between laser beams (also known as rope). As well as balancing a school bus that we were all inside as it hung suspended on a cliff until we got everyone to safety. (A school bus is a balancing wood plank in the Denver mountains J )

We did some trust fall exercises with everyone which to me never stop being fun!

One of the most wonderful team-building games that we did was a low ropes course where we had to balance on metal low wired ropes attached to trees. We had to be holding one person’s hand at all times or one of the trees. It was SUPER hard. Every time a person fell off that person needed to go to the back of the line and start all over again. Let’s just say it took us several tries and a lot of time!

But in the end we did it! And though it felt a little bit like summer camp, I liked it. It was a lot of fun. And I definitely feel closer to my team. It’s funny how something as simple as playing a few games can get people to really loosen up and connect to build more meaningful, vulnerable relationships.

Oh and did I mention we all woke up and exercised at 6AM this morning as a team. It was pretty awesome. Crisp mountain air. Exhausted but alive and grateful. Must sleep now. 

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