Sunday, June 16, 2013

You Sound Like You’re From London!

Thursday June 13th

Arrived in London today around noon for a layover. Met up with Johnny, my dear friend from college who I haven’t seen in forever. He’s currently studying and getting his MFA in film in London. My fellow South African adviser April joined me as we explored South Kensington, eating and drinking at the most stereotypical pub we could find and looking for places we could spend our remaining pounds realizing too late that we had exchanged too much. Luckily, I had saved my Oyster card from that last time I was in London per my professor’s suggestion that it might one day bring us back to this city. It still had 7lbs left on it! Thank you Michael Nehring!
 We ended our gallivanting by taking the tube back to Heathrow on what felt the LONGEST ride of my life. I had broken the seal right before leaving the pub and honestly thought I was going to pee my pants in front of all those fancy dancy Brits. Luckily I didn’t. Thank you dear Johnny ‘ol chap for showing us around even if just for a short while.  Sure was good to see you J

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