Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Scholars First Full Day In The Village!

Monday June 24th, 2013

Today was my scholars first day in the village. I woke up early to gather them all for morning exercise. Since all of them don’t know their way around the village yet I was going to pick them up. Two of the houses that I proceeded to go to had beds made up and no scholars. Most of the day was spent trying to figure out where their houses were and showing my scholars around the community. I walked A LOT! It was a long day.

After dinner tonight Mama Sisanda was showing me clapping and dancing children’s games before I went to sleep. I attempted to show her the American clapping game slide. We did ok. It was funny to hear and see the traditional games that seem so similar to games that I played when I was a child in America.

As I lay in my bed and type I finally see the mouse Sisanda has talked about that plagues the Matubula household. On my first day in her home she told me in broken English, “I have one big problem.” It seemed serious so I listened closely. “A mouse!” Then she proceeded to demonstrate visually and through sound effects how it would scurry from one hole to another. I couldn’t help but think of the movie “Mouse Hunt.” Is it weird that a mouse crawling across my face while I am sleeping is much more comforting than a bug of some kind? Come cuddle little Gus Gus. I have a spot in the bed just for you.

I was given a small pee bucket tonight to put in my bedroom so I don’t have to go outside in the middle of the night to use the restroom. It is quite small but hey, at least its orange – my favorite color!

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