Thursday, July 18, 2013

Damn This Livestock Jam

Monday, July 1st, 2013

I can’t believe I had been gone for a month. It feels like I’ve been gone forever and it also feels like I’ve been gone five minutes. Time seem to disappear, bend and blur whenever I travel. This community has such a slower pace and culture than that I am used to. The days feel long yet they seem to fly by at the time.

People seem to let life simmer around them. They soak things up as they swim in each moment. I got stuck behind a herd of cattle during my morning run today. I couldn’t help thinking it’s like I’m still in LA except its cows inside of cars. Cows are definitely less stressful and more fun to be stuck behind. You just have to accept it and laugh as they moo and block your way.

One of my scholars tried to run down a small path the other day only to be pushed to go back from whence she came by a herd of goats who were coming that way. Moral of the story that you can relate to life - sometimes goats just get in your way and there is nothing you can do about it. You just gotta make a U-turn and go down another path - try something else. Corny but TRUE!

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