Thursday, July 18, 2013

I Travel Through Literature

Wednesday June 26th, 2013

My students shared their life maps today.

All of them are so amazing. They are diverse, smart and bring such unique assets to the table. Conscientious, caring individuals jumping at every opportunity to widen their experience as citizens of the world.

One of my scholars had never been out of the United States before. This trip is not only her first to Africa but her first ever to another country. She talked about when she was younger she used to read a lot. So she said, ‘I guess you could say that ‘I traveled through literature.” What a beautiful statement this was. Isn’t that what we all did? I remember my mind transporting me to far off places, some real, some real only in the imagination of the author and their readers. This is what I hope my writing does. To help people to travel through my literature - my stories. Hopefully they become inspired to travel for themselves. To take more risks. To venture into dark forests. To Explore.  To be the first to say ‘Hello.’ This is my hope.

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