Thursday, July 18, 2013

I Bless The Rains Down In Africa

Wednesday July 10th, 2013

As I stepped onto the street where I live. The first thing I notice is the tree on the corner
The one across from the shop with its root strong and exposed protruding from the ground.
As I made it farther down the street Sema came running to greet me. I stretched out my hand to meet his. He took it and we began to walk hand and hand home. The further we walked, the drizzle started. It was overcast and windy all day threatening to rain. The drizzle turned to harder droplets of rain until harder and harder it poured. We squealed and begin to run! We ran to the house with Maja by our side almost knocking us over. We finally reached the porch and stood side by side just watching the rain. Smelling and feeling the cold. Seeing the drain pour the excess water it was catching. I pulled Sema towards me. He put his arm around me & I just held him. I smelt the rain on my clothes. There’s something magical about the rain. It doesn’t happen often but when it does. It’s like a gem.

I had a lovely conversation with my homestay father tonight about love. He’s such a smart man and sometimes he’ll just come out with something that really hits me. “Love needs to be taught,” he says. Indeed it does.

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