Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Grandmother’s Schooling

Monday July 22nd, 2013

I saw my grandmother who lives next door leaving Manyelti Primary School today. I asked her if she was going to school. She excitedly said, “Yeah!” and whipped around to show me her backpack! So adorable! Apparently they have adult afternoon classes where you can go to brush up on certain subjects. Particularly for those who may have dropped out of school when they were younger. It’s so inspiring to me that even as her age she is still looking to better herself and keep learning.

All of my scholars and some from the other community came to my mom’s sister in law, Treasure, to get measured today for their outfits. Everyone had bought fabric and wanted certain things made. I talked her up and soon had a whole list of people who wanted something made. She was so sweet and grateful for me bringing her so much business that she took me aside in the kitchen and said, “You do such a good thing for me. I must make you something else as a gift.”

My mom is on two of my scholars design team. She has started saying, “I have school today at ‘such and such time.’ “ HA!

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